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  Caryocolum tricolorella (Beautiful Groundling)    Photo © Dave Wilton

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35.002 Aproaerema cinctella
35.003 Aproaerema larseniella
35.004 Aproaerema taeniolella
35.009 Aproaerema polychromella
35.010 Aproaerema anthyllidella
35.011 Anacampsis populella
35.012 Anacampsis blattariella
35.015 Nothris verbascella
35.017 Neofaculta ericetella
35.018 Hypatima rhomboidella
35.019 Anarsia lineatella
35.0191 Anarsia innoxiella
35.020 Anarsia spartiella
35.021 Dichomeris juniperella
35.022 Dichomeris marginella
35.025 Dichomeris alacella
35.026 Acompsia cinerella
35.027 Acompsia schmidtiellus
35.028 Brachmia blandella
35.031 Helcystogramma rufescens
35.032 Pexicopia malvella
35.033 Platyedra subcinerea
35.034 Sitotroga cerealella
35.035 Chrysoesthia drurella
35.036 Chrysoesthia sexguttella
35.037 Thiotricha subocellea
35.038 Bryotropha domestica
35.039 Bryotropha politella
35.040 Bryotropha terrella
35.041 Bryotropha desertella
35.045 Bryotropha basaltinella
35.046 Bryotropha senectella
35.047 Bryotropha affinis
35.048 Bryotropha umbrosella
35.049 Bryotropha similis
35.050 Aristotelia ericinella
35.053 Isophrictis striatella
35.054 Metzneria neuropterella
35.055 Metzneria aestivella
35.056 Metzneria lappella
35.058 Metzneria metzneriella
35.059 Metzneria aprilella
35.060 Apodia martinii
35.061 Ptocheuusa paupella
35.065 Monochroa cytisella
35.066 Monochroa tenebrella
35.070 Monochroa lutulentella
35.071 Monochroa lucidella
35.073 Monochroa palustrellus
35.075 Monochroa arundinetella
35.076 Monochroa suffusella
35.077 Monochroa hornigi
35.079 Oxypteryx wilkella
35.080 Oxypteryx unicolorella
35.081 Oxypteryx atrella
35.085 Athrips mouffetella
35.088 Neofriseria singula
35.089 Prolita sexpunctella
35.091 Sophronia semicostella
35.092 Mirificarma lentiginosella
35.093 Mirificarma mulinella
35.094 Aroga velocella
35.095 Chionodes distinctella
35.096 Chionodes fumatella
35.097 Gelechia rhombella
35.098 Gelechia scotinella
35.099 Gelechia senticetella
35.101 Gelechia sororculella
35.103 Gelechia cuneatella
35.105 Gelechia nigra
35.106 Gelechia turpella
35.107 Psoricoptera gibbosella
35.109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella
35.110 Scrobipalpa pauperella
35.116 Scrobipalpa obsoletella
35.117 Scrobipalpa atriplicella
35.118 Scrobipalpa ocellatella
35.120 Scrobipalpa artemisiella
35.123 Scrobipalpa costella
35.127 Tuta absoluta
35.128 Caryocolum alsinella
35.131 Caryocolum marmorea
35.132 Caryocolum fraternella
35.133 Caryocolum blandella
35.135 Caryocolum proxima
35.137 Caryocolum tricolorella
35.139 Caryocolum huebneri
35.141 Teleiodes vulgella
35.142 Teleiodes wagae
35.143 Teleiodes luculella
35.145 Neotelphusa sequax
35.146 Teleiopsis diffinis
35.147 Carpatolechia decorella
35.148 Carpatolechia fugitivella
35.149 Carpatolechia alburnella
35.150 Carpatolechia notatella
35.151 Carpatolechia proximella
35.152 Pseudotelphusa scalella
35.153 Pseudotelphusa paripunctella
35.154 Xenolechia aethiops
35.155 Altenia scriptella
35.156 Recurvaria nanella
35.157 Recurvaria leucatella
35.159 Exoteleia dodecella
35.160 Stenolechia gemmella
35.161 Parachronistis albiceps

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